Asahi Mekki, Inc.

 Other Manufacturing

Tottori Prefecture

~Using Unique Stainless Steel Coloring Technology to Break Away from Fixed Concepts~

Established in 1946

Corporate Strengths

In 2016, we acquired a patent for its surface treatment for aluminum alloys. This technology won the Director General’s Prize, Chugoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry at the 7th Monodzukuri Nippon Award in 2018. Due to our success in developing unique technology for stainless steel coloring, we continue to receive inquiries from throughout Japan as well as other countries. We have developed unique technologies for both plating and surface treatment, and are expanding our business in these fields.

Unique, Best-Selling Products and Services

■ Stainless steel coloring process

We achieved success in the practical application of stainless steel coloring with a uniform tone during the NEDO project in 2015, and subsequently applied for domestic and international patents. In addition, we use METI’s new market creation standardization system to promote JIS standards. Due to the establishment of stainless steel coloring technology, resistance to corrosion is more than doubled, leading to improvements in color for both decorative and identification purposes in a variety of fields. We propose the creation of new categories and branding by changing colors to break away from common concepts.

Appeal to New Graduates/Mid-Career Recruits

We think about the future while promoting technological development, introduces IoT to improve work efficiency, and strives to cut costs and reduce overtime hours. The average age of our employees is 36, and our goal is to create a more comfortable work environment. We are looking for people to work as researchers and equipment operators in our technology and R&D departments, with the goal of changing the fixed concept of silver as the color for stainless steel.

  • Products that have undergone the stainless steel coloring process


  • Headquarters

  • Image of new building (to be completed in 2019)

Company profile

Address 1, Nanei-cho, Tottori City, Tottori Prefecture
TEL (0857)53-4561
Capital ¥26 million
Number of employees 65
Main overseas locations none
Hiring foreigners None hired in the past, willing to hire

Pick up Companies

  1. Hakuhodo Company, Limited

  2. Yuasa System Co., Ltd.


  4. Aohata Corporation

  5. Asagoe Industry Co., Ltd.