Nissin Kogyo Co., Ltd.

Other Industries
 Industrial Equipment Cleaning, Infrastructure Maintenance

Yamaguchi Prefecture

~Overwhelming Market Share of Measuring and Inspection Equipment for Underground Structures~

Established in 1952

Corporate Strengths

We started with the cleaning and maintenance of petrochemical plants, and then expanded our business to include the cleaning of a wider range of equipment and the development of specialized equipment. We have refined our automation technology, and are developing a variety of proprietary technologies in fields ranging from cleaning to surface treatment, cutting, drilling, and inspection.

Unique, Best-Selling Products and Services

■ “NST-2” embedment depth measuring device(Domestic share: 80%)

Previously, in order to measure underground structures to determine the strength and soundness of metal posts, such as for guardrails and protective fencing, it was necessary to excavate and take direct measurements. With the development of Nissin Kogyo’s “NST-2”, it is now possible to make such measurements simply with the use of an ultrasonic sensor. Now, this product is used whenever an inspection is necessary to confirm that new guardrails have been constructed according to design. The new “KIZME-1” corrosion inspection system is also based on the “NST-2”.

Appeal to New Graduates/Mid-Career Recruits

In 5 or 10 years, do you expect you will still be doing your work in the same way as today? We are searching for people who will work together with a free flow of ideas to change the future, rather than waiting for someone to make changes for them.

  • Taking measurements with only an ultrasonic sensor


  • “NST-2” embedment depth measuring device

Company profile

Address 443, Hirata, Kudamatsu City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
TEL (0833)41-0679
Capital ¥21 million
Number of employees 83
Sales ¥2.231 billion
Main overseas locations none
Hiring foreigners None hired in the past, willing to hire

Pick up Companies

  1. Ohji Rubber & Chemicals Co., Ltd.

  2. Yanagiya Machinery Co., Ltd.

  3. MenTecWorld Co., Ltd.

  4. Nishi-F Co., Ltd.

  5. Chugai Technos Corporation

  6. Sunline Co., Ltd.