Manac Incorporated

/ Chemicals

Hiroshima Prefecture

~Active in Multiple Fields as a Top Manufacturer of Bromine Compounds~

Established in 1948

Corporate Strengths

We use our core “bromination technology” to provide products that contribute to higher functionality in advanced technology industries, such as high-tech information fields (electronics, liquid crystal, and IT equipment) and pharmaceutical fields that promote health.

Unique, Best-Selling Products and Services

■ Bromine compounds

As Japan’s top manufacturer of bromine compounds, we focus primarily on flame retardants, and also manufacture and sell pharmaceuticals, electronic materials, and information-related products. Our flame retardants are added to plastics used in the electric and electronic fields. We produce and develop high performance flame retardants with high heat resistance, weather resistance, non-bleeding properties, and other characteristics that we pursued based on our long-cultivated bromination technologies and accumulated information.

Appeal to New Graduates/Mid-Career Recruits

We are looking for people who like chemicals and science, people who actively accept challenges, and ambitious people who are interested in working overseas.

  • Fukuyama plant


  • Performing an experiment

Company profile

Address 92, Minooki-cho, Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture
TEL (084)954-3330
Capital ¥300 million
Number of employees 195
Sales ¥11.166 billion
Main overseas locations China
Hiring foreigners 4 foreigners hired in the past, willing to hire more

Pick up Companies


  2. Luce Search Co., Ltd.

  3. Kunihiro, Inc.

  4. Moriya Cutlery Laboratory, Ltd.

  5. Tanaka Machinery, Inc.

  6. Shigiya Machinery Works Ltd.