System Creator Egg Co., Ltd.

Information and Communications

Tottori Prefecture

~Hometown Tax Payment System, Top Share in Japan’s Municipalities~

Established in 1927

Corporate Strengths

Based on the trust and record achieved in 70 years since the establishment of the company, we take lessons from the “egg of Columbus” (the source of the company name) and places value on new ideas from a different point of view. In particular, the “Hometown Tax Payment System” and “PostCom (Internet postcard printing/mailing service)” were the first services of their kind developed in Japan. We are also conducting research on state-of-the-art AI and IoT technology.

Unique, Best-Selling Products and Services

■ Hometown Tax Payment System

We developed Japan’s first system to automate the cumbersome paperwork related to hometown tax payments. This system prevents mistakes and improves work efficiency. The service is linked with popular portal sites and major payment services, in order to centralize management and make it easy to use. The content and layout are easy to understand by anyone, and there is also a dedicated call center, so customers can use the service with confidence. The system is currently in use by 612 municipalities, giving it the largest market share in Japan. We are planning to use this know-how to further expand our business.

Appeal to New Graduates/Mid-Career Recruits

We relocated in 2016 to a new and more comfortable office environment. Based on the belief that a work environment that allows employees to have fun while working will lead to the generation of new ideas, we provide an environment that allows a flexible approach to work, as well as an affiliated nursery school and a system for taking special leave. We also hold lunch meetings and sports activities to promote exchange among employees and to maintain healthy lifestyles.

  • Employees enjoy their work


Company profile

Address 4-11-31, Nishifukubara, Yonago City, Tottori Prefecture
TEL (0859)36-8881
Capital ¥10 million
Number of employees 69
Sales ¥860 billion
Main overseas locations none
Hiring foreigners Hired in the past, willing to hire more

Pick up Companies

  1. Shigiya Machinery Works Ltd.

  2. Shichida Educational Institute, Inc.


  4. Marine Products Kimuraya Co., Ltd.

  5. Hirotec Corporation

  6. Satake Corporation