Brilliant Associates

/ Food and Beverages

Tottori Prefecture

~Expanding from Tottori to the World with the Industry’s First Pink Curry~

Established in 2004

Corporate Strengths

We use Tottori beets as a raw material for developing pink products, using “pink” to bring happiness to the region, and creating regional Tottori brands from the viewpoints of both “food and health”. We are aiming for further business development, by expanding sales overseas to locations such as Taiwan, Russia, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

Unique, Best-Selling Products and Services

■ Hanakifujin Pink Curry

We use Tottori beets to make the industry’s first authentic curry with a brilliant pink color. We suggest a variety of uses for this curry, such as birthdays and Valentine’s Day. At first, everyone is surprised by the difference between the color and the taste of the curry. But after the first taste, they are soon smiling and enjoying a pleasant meal.

Appeal to New Graduates/Mid-Career Recruits

We are expanding our lineup of pink-related products, made with Tottori beets, both throughout Japan and around the world. We actively participate in overseas exhibitions and business meetings, and are also moving forward with the acquisition of business partners.

  • Hanakifujin” Pink Curry


  • “Hanakifujin” Pink Soy Sauce

Company profile

Address 3-3, Oenoki-cho, Tottori City, Tottori Prefecture
TEL (0857)32-6030
Capital ¥3 million
Number of employees 22
Sales ¥200 million
Main overseas locations none
Hiring foreigners 2 foreigners hired in the past, willing to hire more

Pick up Companies

  1. RENIAS Co., Ltd.

  2. SIGMA Corporation

  3. Nisshin Rubber Co., Ltd.


  5. SHINKAWA Sensor Technology, Inc.

  6. Marine Products Kimuraya Co., Ltd.