Toubujyuhan Co., Ltd.

Real Estate

Yamaguchi Prefecture

~One of Japan’s Successful Home Remodeling & Renovation Companies~

Established in 1984

Corporate Strengths

Our main business model is the revitalization of second-hand housing. We purchase, renovate, and sell homes that are 20 to 40 years old. We offer these homes at around 15 million yen, which is less than a new home. With the problem of the growing number of vacant homes, we are providing housing that is friendly to both people and the environment through the revitalization of second-hand housing and housing distribution. We have achieved record profits for eight consecutive years. We are also developing other businesses at our 20 locations, including nursing and welfare projects.

Unique, Best-Selling Products and Services

■ Revitalization of second-hand housing

We purchase second-hand homes, and then sell them in beautifully renovated conditions. Since they are not as expensive as new homes, even people who had given up on owning their own home can make their dream come true. Currently, we are ranked 4th in Japan by number of renovation on second-hand houses, and our goal is to become number one in the Chugoku and Kyushu regions in the future.

Appeal to New Graduates/Mid-Career Recruits

For most people, buying a home will be the biggest purchase of their lives, and therefore the relationships of mutual trust that we build with our customers are assets that last a lifetime. We are looking for people who can grow together with us while offering housing suggestions to customers.

  • Before


  • Renovated second-hand housing

Company profile

Address 11-46, Hanano-cho, Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
TEL (083)222-1111
Capital ¥302 million
Number of employees 127
Sales ¥7,483 billion
Main overseas locations none
Hiring foreigners None hired in the past, willing to hire

Pick up Companies

  1. Sunline Co., Ltd.


  3. Nishi-F Co., Ltd.

  4. MBS, Inc.

  5. Yanagiya Machinery Co., Ltd.