Kamoseni, Inc.


Okayama Prefecture

~”Wearable Bedrock Spa” Developed from the Industry’s First Functional Material~

Established in 1973

Corporate Strengths

We are a material manufacturer that used our unique “wearable bedrock spa” BS Fine material as the core material for the development of long and short fibers. Our company has been involved in all aspects of the industry, from the development of fiber materials to the planning and sale of final products, and aims to grow into a research and development company based on our strengths in development, technology, and marketing.

Unique, Best-Selling Products and Services

■ BS Fine “Wearable Bedrock Spa”

This is a new, functional material in which state-of-the-art technology is used to encapsulate natural black silica ore in polyester fiber. It is the only material that can help keep you warm throughout all four seasons. In addition to maintaining a constant body temperature, the material also has antioxidant and redox functions and exhibits a high level of heat storage performance. It can be used not only in clothing, but also throughout many other aspects of our lives such as bedding, medical care, and sports. The company plans to expand sales channels in both the Japanese and overseas markets.

Appeal to New Graduates/Mid-Career Recruits

Our management philosophy, “creating a healthier and more prosperous life”, is a goal that we are striving to achieve not only for our customers, but also for employees and everyone else involved with the company. For that reason, employees continue to make efforts to grow and improve themselves while honing product service on a daily basis.

  • New headquarters building (computer image)


  • Leg warmers incorporating BS Fine

Company profile

Address 1650-1, Nokeda, Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture 
TEL (0868)33-9088
URL https://www.kamoseni.co.jp
Capital ¥10 million
Number of employees 86
Sales ¥1.460 billion
Main overseas locations none
Hiring foreigners None hired in the past, willing to hire

Pick up Companies

  1. Shigiya Machinery Works Ltd.

  2. Hayakawa Rubber Co., Ltd.

  3. Yokoyama Fishing Net Co., Ltd.


  5. Delta Industries Co., Ltd.

  6. Yanagiya Machinery Co., Ltd.