Chugai Technos Corporation

Other Industries
 Technical Service

Hiroshima Prefecture

~Unique Robots for Dismantling Furnaces at Nuclear Power Plants~

Established in 1953

Corporate Strengths

As part of the comprehensive inspection service industry, Chugai Technos conducts inspections of the environment, plants, and social infrastructure. In addition, our manufacturing department designs and manufactures X-ray inspection equipment used for quality inspections and inspection/repair equipment used for the regular inspection of plants. We also develop robots for dismantling furnaces at nuclear power plants.

Unique, Best-Selling Products and Services

■ Robots for dismantling furnaces at nuclear power plants

We are developing one of the robots in the national project for dismantling furnaces at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station damaged in the Great East Japan Earthquake. Remote-controlled robots composed of hydraulic pressure and springs (muscle robots) are used to provide a variety of functions using hydraulic pressure, such as using their arms to grab and hang from pipes, and to break up debris (molten nuclear fuel). Sections of reactor containment vessels are reproduced at full size in the test building, where we work on new development by taking full advantage of experience gained through previous developments.

Appeal to New Graduates/Mid-Career Recruits

In the manufacturing department, in addition to thorough in-house training, soon after joining our company you will have the opportunity to experience the entire work flow from design to prototyping, in order to acquire the skills required by technicians. At this job, you will have the chance to apply your ideas directly to the products you are working on.

  • Chugai Integrated Development Center


  • Robots for dismantling furnaces

Company profile

Address 9-12, Yokogawashinmachi, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture 
TEL (082)295-2222
Capital ¥47 million
Number of employees 986
Sales ¥1,624 billion
Main overseas locations Vietnam,India
Hiring foreigners 10 foreigners hired in the past, willing to hire more

Pick up Companies

  1. Mishima Foods Co., Ltd.

  2. Andex Co., Ltd.


  4. SHINKAWA Sensor Technology, Inc.

  5. Otafuku Sauce Co., Ltd.

  6. Nissin Kogyo Co., Ltd.